Undertaking integrated whole-building research is important to determine the efficacy and in-situ performance of DR technologies. The DRET collaborative explores ways to integrate cost-effective DR-enabling end-use technologies into building design and upgrades.
Whole Building Research
Project Focus | Project Title | Year | Source | Purpose | Draft or Final Report | ||
wdt_ID | Sort | Project Focus | Project Title | Year | Source | Purpose | Draft or Final Report |
4 | 610 | Whole Building | DR13.05 Grid Integration of Zero Net Energy Communities | 2017 | SCE | This report details the progress of deploying a residential Zero Net Energy (ZNE) community in Fontana, CA. The community, built to the project’s ZNE requirements, served as a demonstration site to understand the impacts on the electrical grid of these ZNE communities and the resultant high penetration PV system scenario. | Final |
7 | 630 | Whole Building | DR19.07 Measuring Builder Installed Electrical Loads | 2022 | SCE | The research objectives of this project are to examine opportunities for load management of new construction hard wired loads that could possibly be managed to reduce their small but growing impact on future overall residential energy load shapes. | Final |
25 | 620 | Whole Building | DR14.07 Residential Crawl Space and Attic Conditioning and Sealing Retrofits | 2019 | SCE | This report documents the results and conclusions of a three-year study of sealing crawl spaces and attics in four existing residential buildings in Southern California Edison (SCE) territory. | Final |
39 | 600 | Whole Building | DR9.08 Irvine Smart Grid Demo | 2015 | SCE | This Irvine Smart Grid Demonstration project is testing the interoperability and efficacy of key elements of the grid, from the transmission level through the distribution system and into the home. | Final |
40 | 615 | Whole Building | DR14.01 A Replicable and Scalable Near-Zero Net Energy Retrofit of Low-Income Multifamily Housing: Electric Energy Efficency | 2018 | SCE | This project evaluated technical and financial models for scalability of deep, near-zero net energy (ZNE) retrofits in existing low-income multifamily (LIMF) housing. | Final |
41 | 605 | Whole Building | DR9.09 Demand Response Tests at a Typical Office Space in a Federal Building | 2011 | SCE | This study looked at lighting Demand Response (DR) technology installed at a Federal Building in Los Angeles, CA. The primary goal of this study was to determine the load reducing capabilities of a newly installed advanced lighting control system (ALCS) during a DR event. | Final |
122 | 623 | Whole Building | DR15.21 Mosaic Gardens New Construction, Low-Income Multifamily ZNE | 2020 | SCE | The Mosaic Gardens project demonstrates how innovative Zero Net Energy (ZNE) measures can be effectively adopted in new construction. This in situ analysis focuses on the underserved low income multifamily (LIMF) market. | Final |
123 | Whole Building | DR22.01 LBNL Hardware in the Loop Flexible Modeling | In Progress | SCE | This DOE project generates high fidelity measurements of building system energy use and their ability and performance to provide grid services and demand flexibility while maintaining acceptable levels of service to building occupants. Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL) will setup hardware-in-the-loop infrastructure at FLEXLAB to support new lab experiments and generate component-level and system-level models for future simulation research. | Draft |