California clean energy initiatives need assistance in DR standards development, technical market research, and studies of flexible resources. The DRET collaborative explores ways to drive technology-driven DR standards leadership and participate and co-sponsor DR market and technology research through local, statewide and national studies.
DR Advocacy Research
Project Focus | Project Title | Year | Source | Purpose | Draft or Final Report | |
wdt_ID | Project Focus | Project Title | Year | Source | Purpose | Draft or Final Report |
1 | DR Advocacy | DR13.02 Demand Response and Permanent Load Shift: A Look at Standards and Activities that Impact California | 2014 | SCE | This study researched an extensive inventory of current policies, plans, initiatives, programs, and mandates that may impact California’s implementation of DR and PLS programs. | Final |
2 | DR Advocacy | DR17SDGE0002 Expansion Study of the Statewide Expansion of Auto-DR Express Solutions | 2019 | SCE | The purpose of this project is to study how to improve uptake on the existing Small and Medium Business (SMB) Auto-DR solutions Auto-DR Express and FastTrack and develop a program model that all three utilities could adopt. | Final |
3 | DR Advocacy | DR17.11 Assessment of DR-Enabling Technologies Roadmap | 2017 | SCE | Southern California Edison (SCE) conducted outreach to VRF equipment manufacturers to arrive at an understanding on SCE’s OpenADR product requirements and demand response participation needs. | Final |
8 | DR Advocacy | DR18.11 ADR Capabilities of VRF Technologies: Manufacturer Outreach | 2019 | SCE | The objectives of the study were to: research the status of ADR-capable VRF controls among different VRF manufacturers; and verify if and how VRF controls satisfy demand response requirements set by the 2013 Title 24 energy code. | Final |
9 | DR Advocacy | DR16.06 VRF Market Characterization for ADR Program Readiness | 2018 | SCE | This project enables SCE program staff to make informed decisions about the current ADR capabilities of Variable refrigerant flow (VRF) control systems and determine which are ready for accelerated commercialization in SCE incentive programs. | Draft |
10 | DR Advocacy | DR17.13 Vehicle Grid Integration Working Group 2017 Summary Report | 2018 | SCE | The Vehicle Grid Integration (VGI) Working Group was created to attempt to standardize the method of managing electric vehicles to be deployed by IOUs. The working group investigated if the adoption of a communications protocol is necessary to enable Plug-in Electric VGI resources to economically participate in electricity markets. | Final |
11 | DR Advocacy | DR16.02 Open Vehicle Grid Integration Platform (OVGIP), Residential Demand Response (DR) Project Summary Report | 2018 | SCE | The purpose of the project was to assess how the OVGIP can best determine, report and facilitate OEM(s) to provide grid services through demand side management and to evaluate the DR measurement data results (10/10 baseline method) collected through the OVGIP to determine the use of OEM measurement capabilities for future programs (non-billing purposes). | Final |
12 | DR Advocacy | DR16.08 Codes & Standards Enhancement for DR | 2018 | SCE | The objective of this code change proposal is to clean up and clarify the existing demand response (DR) requirements so that all sections of the standards use consistent terminology and approach. The goal is to improve comprehension of and compliance with the existing requirements. | Final |
13 | DR Advocacy | DR18.10 Automated Demand Response – Enabled Solution Development for HVAC Distributors | 2020 | SCE | The purpose of this project is to assess strategies to increase the commercial availability of OpenADR certified solutions to enable demand response by engaging HVAC distribution sales channels. | Final |
98 | DR Advocacy | Automated Demand Response in Title 24, Part 6: Stakeholder Outreach Assessment | 2017 | PG&E | This assessment conducted research to determine outreach strategies and preferences to improve compliance with the demand response requirements in Title 24, Part 6 . | Final |
99 | DR Advocacy | Expansion Study of the Statewide Expansion of Auto-DR Express Solutions | 2019 | PG&E | This study looked at how to improve uptake on the existing Small and Medium Business (SMB) Auto-DR solutions— “Auto-DR Express” and “FastTrack” —and develop a program model that all three utilities could adopt. | Final |
100 | DR Advocacy | Integrated Energy Efficiency and Demand Response Programs: Breaking Down Silos | 2019 | PG&E | This research reviewed experiences with integrated EE/DR programs. | Final |
101 | DR Advocacy | Secured Data Sharing to Improve Residential DR Programs’ Enrollment Process | 2019 | PG&E | The objective of this assessment is to collect information in order to create a smooth and secure customer authentication, authorization, and enrollment framework for DR pilots and programs in the future. | Final |
102 | DR Advocacy | Technical and Market Characterization of the Connected Home | 2018 | PG&E | This report will provide a summary on a state of the industry study of the Connected Home space | Final |
103 | DR Advocacy | Telemetry Field Study | 2017 | PG&E | This report is meant to inform key stakeholders, including the CAISO and Demand Response Providers (DRPs) of one pathway under exploration for meeting the current telemetry requirements and increasing the ability to integrate Proxy Demand Resource (PDR) into the CAISO market. | Final |
110 | DR Advocacy | Fast Demand Response Technologies and Demonstration at SDG&E Energy Innovation Center using OpenADR | 2019 | SDG&E | This study demonstrated a fast DR system architecture for DR resources participation in ancillary services using the OpenADR 2.0b. | Final |
111 | DR Advocacy | Vehicle to Grid Integration Platform (VGIP) | 2019 | SDG&E | The purpose of this project is to create requirements and use cases for a unified grid services platform that is secure, low cost, and an open source platform | Final |
133 | DR Advocacy | Develop a Residential ADR Incentive for EV Charging Controls | 2021 | PG&E | In order to develop a residential ADR incentive for EV charging controls, this study will test EV charging controls in a field setting and measure the DR impact of such technologies. | Final |
134 | DR Advocacy | Heat Pump Water Heater Barriers and Mid-stream Solution Study | 2022 | PG&E | The objective of this study is to identify potential solutions to these barriers, with a focus on leveraging mid-stream channels such as contractors, distributors, and retailers to increase adoption of this technology. | Final |
136 | DR Advocacy | Evaluate 3rd Party Aggregator and Vendor Interest on Residential Digital Rate | In Progress | PG&E | The objective of this study is to evaluate 3rd party interest in receiving residential digital rate in order to help residential customers to be successful when enrolling a dynamic rate such as TOU, EV and Smart Rate. | Draft |
141 | DR Advocacy | Automated Demand Response Non-Residential Incentive Structure Research Project | 2020 | SDG&E | The Goal of this project is to develop an updated approach to ADR incentives for nonresidential customers and/or third parties through literature review and data analysis. | Final |
142 | DR Advocacy | Technology Transfer Support on Commercial Heat Pump Water Heaters | 2020 | SCE | This scope of work includes one such technology transfer activity on commercial electric heat pump water heaters to better assess these emerging electrical appliances’ applicability for demand response opportunities in California. | |
143 | DR Advocacy | DR19.09 Enabling Widespread ADR Through Use of a VEN at the Building Level | 2020 | SCE | Working with EPRI, CLTC and industry partners, LBNL planned to create a specification for a standardized building-level VEN (VENB) and output application interface, which eliminates the burden of ADR connectivity from the individual end-use loads. | Final |
144 | DR Advocacy | Grid Impacts from Distributed Energy Resources | 2020 | SCE | This report discusses the three main tasks distribution planners have been working on regarding DERs. The researchers give examples of the research & development that has been completed and describe the next steps of research and development to manage DERs’ grid impacts. | |
145 | DR Advocacy | DR20.03 Demand Response Technology Enhancements | 2022 | SCE | The objective of this project is to study the continuing value in technologies that utilize dynamic pricing-based ADR and to provide a pathway for innovative emerging technologies to facilitate and increase customer participation in these programs and initiatives. | |
147 | DR Advocacy | Customer Perception of RTP: Survey Findings from SCE Small Business and Residential Customers | 2021 | SCE | To understand customer perceptions and preferences of Real-Time-Pricing (RTP) rate structures, SCE/EPRI conducted an online survey via SCE business & residential customer panels in March 2021. The survey collected responses from 186 small business customers and 1,107 residential customers. This report summarizes the results from respondents. | |
148 | DR Advocacy | DR18.13 Residential Demand Response Emerging Opportunities in Southern California | 2021 | SCE | This research focuses on understanding the emerging markets in Southern California for residential DR enabling technologies, and to identify optimal ways to enhance residential DR customer engagement through communication and coordination. | Final |
150 | DR Advocacy | DR18.10 & DR18.11 OpenADR Deployments Survey | 2021 | SCE | Manufacturer research indicated that control functions are not sufficiently integrated to perform ADR. Stakeholders indicated a demonstration of market demand, along with guidance from utilities on OpenADR signaling requirements, are needed to justify additional investments in OpenADR certified technologies. This project updates the list of organizations with active OpenADR deployments currently certified by the OpenADR Alliance. | Final |
151 | DR Advocacy | DR18.12 Communication Protocols and Standards for Residential Demand Response | 2021 | SCE | This report describes the communication protocols and networking technologies in use or emerging for control of residential Demand Response (DR) resources. It describes three important application-layer (functional) protocols that are the subject of emerging grid codes and standards: OpenADR, IEEE 2030.5, and CTA-2045. |
Final |
152 | DR Advocacy | DR21.03 Dynamic Rate Pilot | In Progress | SCE | This project conducts a comprehensive demonstration study of the CalFUSE framework across multiple use-cases and assesses how the three-part policy framework can deliver standardized price access, dynamic electricity prices linked to real time grid conditions & economics, and customer options to manage and optimize energy usage and bills. The demonstration explores how new forms of distributed energy resources can act as both customer assets and grid interactive resources. | Draft |
153 | DR Advocacy | DR18.09 Flexible DR Integration | 2023 | SCE | In collaboration with LBNL, this project identifies enhancements of current technology to advance implementation of demand flexibility for reducing grid congestion effectively. This project outlined a comprehensive vision for how to develop more demand flexibility from existing and future customer end use electrical loads. Progressing the internet-of-things approach using onboard or built-in device connectivity to support DR, it addresses how to enable customers’ equipment and systems to be able to receive and respond to dynamic price signals. | Final |
154 | DR Advocacy | Flexible Demand Response Collaborative | In Progress | SDG&E | This project is designed to advance Flexible Demand Response by modeling and demonstrating its value when employed as a balancing resource to support integration of wind, solar and other variable supply. | Draft |
155 | DR Advocacy | Evaluating Demand Response Capabilities of Connected Variable Capacity Heat Pumps | In Progress | SDG&E | This study is testing whether variable speeds of heat pump compressors and fans can improve comfort and overall performance as well as provide an improved resource for demand response. | Draft |
156 | DR 23.02 Flick Power Study | In Progress | SCE | The project is a jointly initiated field pilot study to demonstrate and assess the effectiveness of customer behavioral change from a novel communicating lightswitch technology that displays visual signals to residential consumers indicating the price of electricity. This addresses key research questions relating to TOU response across customer groups and the incremental impact of customer load shifting beyond what behavior change customers normally provide on a time-variant pricing program or rate. | Draft |